State of the Reserve
February 24-25, 2022
Dr. Mark Rains, Chief Science Officer within the Florida Department of Environmental Protection
Heidi Stiller, South Regional Director for NOAA’s National Ocean Service within the Office for Coastal Management
The State of the Water in the GTM Research Reserve, Nikki Dix, Ph.D., GTM Research Reserve
The State of the System-wide Monitoring Program, Shannon Dunnigan, GTM Research Reserve
Monitoring Water Quality in the Guana River Estuary to Assess Ecosystem Health, Olivia Roorbach, GTM Research Reserve
Taking the Plankton Pulse of the GTM Estuary, Gabriela Canas, GTM Research Reserve
Refining Techniques for High-Frequency Monitoring of Chlorophyll in the NERRS, Silas Tanner, GTM Research Reserve
Vulnerability Assessment of Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems in Low-lying Coastal Communities to Multiple Climate-Related Threats, Tricia Kyzar, Ph.D., Wildwood Consulting
Water Quality and Coastal Wetlands, Nikki Dix, Ph.D., GTM Research Reserve
Coastal Wetlands in the GTM Research Reserve, Nikki Dix, Ph.D., GTM Research Reserve
GTM Salt Marsh Monitoring: 10-year review, Pamela Marcum and Alexandria Knoell, GTM Research Reserve
Evaluation of Climate Induced Changes to Porewater Biogeochemistry in Mangrove/Saltmarsh Ecotone, Anna Beard, Whitney Laboratory for Marine Bioscience
Effects of Fiddler Crab Bioturbation on Mangroves on the Northeastern Florida Coast, Nicole Spanier, Villanova University
Exploring the Role of Elevation in Determining the Establishment of Avicennia germinans in the Tidal Marsh and Mangrove Ecotone of Northeastern Florida, Damir Creecy, Villanova University
Nitrogen Addition Enhances Freeze Resistance and Alters Leaf Litter Dynamics for Black Mangrove (Avicennia germinans) in a Temperate-tropical Ecotone, Emily Dangremond, Ph.D., Roosevelt University
Invasive Hogs Alter Salt Marsh Functioning, Ecosystem Service Provisioning, and Resilience, Hallie Fischman, University of Florida
Over the Dunes and Through the Woods: Conservation Ecology of Gopher Tortoises at the GTM Research Reserve,
Ben Atkinson, Ph.D., Flagler CollegeInvestigating the Impacts of Anthropogenic Lighting on Sea Turtle Nesting Success Along the Northeastern Florida Coastline, Hayden Garza, Jacksonville University
From Past to Present: Ecosystem Services and People of the Guana Peninsula, Emily Jane Murray, Florida Public
Archaeology Network
Building a Better BurrowBot: Using Robotics to Explore Gopher Tortoise Ecology, Abigail Belchior, Flagler College
Collecting Ground Water Level Data within the Restored Freshwater Marsh at the GTM Research Reserve, Brad and Esther Mahanes, GTM Research Reserve Volunteers
Exploring Anthropogenic Noise Impacts on Frog Vocalization at Anastasia State Park and the GTM Research Reserve, Emma Wilkinson, Flagler College
Herpetofaunal Monitoring at the GTM Research Reserve, Zach Lepera, GTM Research Reserve
Marine Observation of Sea Turtles (MOST): Establishing a Database of North Florida Green Sea Turtles, Avery Cogley, Flagler College
Optimizing Protocols for DNA Metabarcoding of Plankton in the GTM Research Reserve, Ashley Reaume, University of Central Florida
Ticks and Tortoises: Investigating Ectoparasite Loads on Gopher Tortoises at the GTM Research Reserve, William Shane Smith, Flagler College
What time is it? It’s Time for Lunch! Assessing the Impact of Time of Day on Green Sea Turtle Foraging, Trisha McCaul, Flagler College