
Printed copies of the program and agenda will be available at the symposium. View the program.

Shannan McAskill, Ph.D.
St. Johns River Water Management District

Evaluation of Long-term Regional Water Quality Trends Across the GTMNERR

Ashley Reaume
University of Central Florida

Monitoring Estuarine Plankton Communities Using DNA Metabarcoding

Justina Dacey
University of Florida

A Tale of Two Bivalves: Comparing Oysters and Mussels Nitrogen Removal Enhancement

Shelby Ziegler, Ph.D.
Villanova University

Evaluating Oyster Reefs as Habitat: Comparing the Utility of Ecological Metrics to Assess Ecosystem Function

Alyah Bennet
University of North Florida

Assessing unoccupied aircraft and ground-based methods for detecting change in intertidal Crassostrea Virginica Reefs

Scott F. Jones, Ph.D.
University of North Florida

Save Our Swales: Guana Peninsula Wetland Vulnerability to Saltwater Intrusion

Interactive Tables

  • Ongoing Gopher Tortoise Research at the GTMNERR, Ben Atkinson, Ph.D., Flagler College

  • Seeing sea turtles over fours years: lessons learned, Ed McGinley, Ph.D., Flagler College

  • Guana Data Dashboard: Using Collaborative Open Science Tools to Improve Engagement with the Ecology of the Guana River Estuary, Geraldine Klarenberg, Ph.D., University of Florida

Poster Presenters

  • An Investigation of Alkalinity, pH, and Saturation State in the Matanzas River Estuary, Maia Toler, Flagler College

  • Combining high-resolution surveys and numerical modeling to optimize water level management and contain nutrient levels in the Guana Lake, Stefano Biondi, University of Florida 

  • Optical Characteristics of the San Sebastian River, Melissa Southwell, Ph.D., Flagler College

  • Trends in Nutrients and Harmful Indicator Bacteria in the San Sebastian and Matanzas Rivers, Katie Kress, Flagler College

  • Assessing trends in abundance and diversity of Pseudo-nitzschia spp. within the GTMNERR, Nate Schirmer, GTMNERR

  • Marine Primary Production: A Method and Site Comparison in the Matanzas River Estuary, Summer Collier, Flagler College         

  • Biogeochemical Differences Between Degraded and Healthy Coastal Marsh Soils, Jennifer Volk, University of Central Florida

  • Examining the interaction between over-enrichment and facilitation in North Florida salt marshes, Emory Wellman, University of Florida

  • Shifting Landscapes: The Role of Nitrogen and Mangrove Expansion in Soil Organic Matter Stability in Northeastern Florida Wetlands, Mercedes Pinzon Delgado, University of Central Florida          

  • Long Term Changes and Influences on the Fish Community in a Dynamic Saltmarsh-Mangrove Ecotone, Meredith Pratt, University of Central Florida

  • Oyster Monitoring in the GTMNERR: Past, Present, and Future, Hans Prevost, GTMNERR        

  • Harnessing the power of conservation storytelling for the GTMNERR, Jaleigh Goben, Cornell University

  • Analyzing wetland plant communities to gain insights into coastal freshwater marsh resilience to saltwater intrusion on the Guana Peninsula, Emily Hill, University of North Florida

  • Investigating short-term deposition and accretion rates across salt marsh and mangrove communities within the GTMNERR, Jacob Berna, University of North Florida                       

  • Mangrove Migration within GTMNERR: Investigating mangrove reproductive effort during a  climate-driven range expansion, Samantha Rosa, University of Maryland      

  • Mangrove pneumatophores respond to hydrology and fertilization in the GTMNERR marshes, Phillip Rivera, Villanova University       

  • Quantifying Coastal Wetland Marsh Loss in Northeast Florida using Satellite Imagery and Supervised Machine Learning, Aaron Freeman, Villanova University

  • Nutrient Assimilation by Guana River Bivalves, Hallie Fischman, Ph.D., University of Florida

  • Bat Biodiversity and Acoustic Monitoring in the Fish Island Preserve, St. Augustine, Florida, Paige Blumbek, Flagler College

  • Factors Influencing the Distribution and Abundance of Nuisance and Vector Mosquito Populations in St. Johns County, Florida, Lauren VanRhee, Anastasia Mosquito Control District  

  • Herpetofaunal Monitoring in the GTMNERR will Inform Management Practices, Zach Lepera and Erica Fisher, GTMNERR

  • Integrated Management of Invasive Plants at the GTMNERR, Ely Brooks, GTMNERR Volunteer