Printed copies of the program and agenda will be available at the symposium. View the program.
Shannan McAskill, Ph.D.
St. Johns River Water Management District
Evaluation of Long-term Regional Water Quality Trends Across the GTMNERR
Ashley Reaume
University of Central Florida
Monitoring Estuarine Plankton Communities Using DNA Metabarcoding
Justina Dacey
University of Florida
A Tale of Two Bivalves: Comparing Oysters and Mussels Nitrogen Removal Enhancement
Shelby Ziegler, Ph.D.
Villanova University
Evaluating Oyster Reefs as Habitat: Comparing the Utility of Ecological Metrics to Assess Ecosystem Function
Alyah Bennet
University of North Florida
Assessing unoccupied aircraft and ground-based methods for detecting change in intertidal Crassostrea Virginica Reefs
Scott F. Jones, Ph.D.
University of North Florida
Save Our Swales: Guana Peninsula Wetland Vulnerability to Saltwater Intrusion
Interactive Tables
Ongoing Gopher Tortoise Research at the GTMNERR, Ben Atkinson, Ph.D., Flagler College
Seeing sea turtles over fours years: lessons learned, Ed McGinley, Ph.D., Flagler College
Guana Data Dashboard: Using Collaborative Open Science Tools to Improve Engagement with the Ecology of the Guana River Estuary, Geraldine Klarenberg, Ph.D., University of Florida
Poster Presenters
An Investigation of Alkalinity, pH, and Saturation State in the Matanzas River Estuary, Maia Toler, Flagler College
Combining high-resolution surveys and numerical modeling to optimize water level management and contain nutrient levels in the Guana Lake, Stefano Biondi, University of Florida
Optical Characteristics of the San Sebastian River, Melissa Southwell, Ph.D., Flagler College
Trends in Nutrients and Harmful Indicator Bacteria in the San Sebastian and Matanzas Rivers, Katie Kress, Flagler College
Assessing trends in abundance and diversity of Pseudo-nitzschia spp. within the GTMNERR, Nate Schirmer, GTMNERR
Marine Primary Production: A Method and Site Comparison in the Matanzas River Estuary, Summer Collier, Flagler College
Biogeochemical Differences Between Degraded and Healthy Coastal Marsh Soils, Jennifer Volk, University of Central Florida
Examining the interaction between over-enrichment and facilitation in North Florida salt marshes, Emory Wellman, University of Florida
Shifting Landscapes: The Role of Nitrogen and Mangrove Expansion in Soil Organic Matter Stability in Northeastern Florida Wetlands, Mercedes Pinzon Delgado, University of Central Florida
Long Term Changes and Influences on the Fish Community in a Dynamic Saltmarsh-Mangrove Ecotone, Meredith Pratt, University of Central Florida
Oyster Monitoring in the GTMNERR: Past, Present, and Future, Hans Prevost, GTMNERR
Harnessing the power of conservation storytelling for the GTMNERR, Jaleigh Goben, Cornell University
Analyzing wetland plant communities to gain insights into coastal freshwater marsh resilience to saltwater intrusion on the Guana Peninsula, Emily Hill, University of North Florida
Investigating short-term deposition and accretion rates across salt marsh and mangrove communities within the GTMNERR, Jacob Berna, University of North Florida
Mangrove Migration within GTMNERR: Investigating mangrove reproductive effort during a climate-driven range expansion, Samantha Rosa, University of Maryland
Mangrove pneumatophores respond to hydrology and fertilization in the GTMNERR marshes, Phillip Rivera, Villanova University
Quantifying Coastal Wetland Marsh Loss in Northeast Florida using Satellite Imagery and Supervised Machine Learning, Aaron Freeman, Villanova University
Nutrient Assimilation by Guana River Bivalves, Hallie Fischman, Ph.D., University of Florida
Bat Biodiversity and Acoustic Monitoring in the Fish Island Preserve, St. Augustine, Florida, Paige Blumbek, Flagler College
Factors Influencing the Distribution and Abundance of Nuisance and Vector Mosquito Populations in St. Johns County, Florida, Lauren VanRhee, Anastasia Mosquito Control District
Herpetofaunal Monitoring in the GTMNERR will Inform Management Practices, Zach Lepera and Erica Fisher, GTMNERR
Integrated Management of Invasive Plants at the GTMNERR, Ely Brooks, GTMNERR Volunteer